In July I moved back to Arizona, temporarily, for a job selling ski and snowboard equipment/accessories. Its really nice to be back near family and friends. Its weird to be back in the city. That job has kept me so busy traveling all over the west coast for the last 4 months. Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego...all over!
I was the Maid of honor in a good friends wedding. That keeps you busier than you think it will when you agree to do it! :)
Then the holidays... always keep you busy and football season, of course. :) So things have slowed down. Its snowboarding season now! So I will be finding ways to make it to snow. I have friends and a free season pass in southwest Colorado. That will be my first stop! Here is my timeline of the last few months....
I miss it so much! Pictures of my last hike through the Rockies

-Summertime in Arizona-
Reconnecting with some old friends.
(Dolora, Heather, Me, Erin, Leah, Maria)

Pool time...friends BBQ'ing and playing pool games

Marcos high school reunion. MHS class of 99
Seattle, WA ski swap
Ski/Snowboard sale
Plane ride home. Exhausted.
Picture from the plane, Mt Reiner?
-Caras Bridal shower-
This shower was so cute! It was a Kentucky Derby themed. All the guests wore big hats and red roses everywhere. We served fried chicken and mint jullips. So much fun!
Opening gifts and playing games.